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Support global innovation that removes carbon emissions

Carbon emissions and climate change concerns are rising.

In response to the urgency of climate change and rising greenhouse gas emissions, carbon offsets offer a proven method to reduce the amount of carbon emissions in our atmosphere. Carbon offset projects are part of an established environmental solution with growing innovation in the ways carbon can be  removed, captured or avoided.

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Greenhouse gases are the largest cause of human-accelerated climate change.

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The U.S. is one of the largest producers of emissions globally with our Transportation sector producing the most.

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2 Thirds of Americans are concerned about climate change.

What are carbon offset projects?

Since greenhouse gas emissions affect every community, carbon offset projects vary widely in location and scientific methodology. These projects are designed to cancel out emissions by capturing or destroying them—or even preventing emissions from being released in the first place. Carbon offsets are used to measure that cancellation, and each offset represents the reduction, destruction, or capture of one metric ton of carbon dioxide equivalent emission (CO2e).  Projects can vary in size and purpose, and can be achieved through many formats.

Carbon Offsets
Tropical Leaves

Who Should Participate?

Carbon offsets apply to several greenhouse gases, and remediation can take place in many ways.

Participation reaches across multiple Industry Verticals, and when done together, we can dramatically impact the removal of harmful carbon emissions from our planet. 








Tree plantings and sustainable forestry practices

increase the natural storage of carbon.


Companies with significant shipping or packaging components, retail fuel, fleet managers, auto manufacturers.


Companies that produce significant material waste that ends up in landfills like consumer goods and packaging, and retailers.


Institutions that use coal plants to power their campuses and buildings, technology companies that power offices, processes and servers.


Organizations that emit methane, like oil and gas companies, agricultural, coal mining, food and beverage companies, or restaurants.


Transportation companies looking for ways to reduce their environmental impact, cruise ships, air travel companies, consumer goods manufacturing and e-commerce.

Landfill Gas Capture

As decomposing material releases methane gas into the air, the gas is captured and destroyed.

Alternative Energy

Investment in alternative energy technology decreases reliance on traditional emission-heavy methods.

Methane Reduction

Methane gas emissions from many sources are captured and eliminated.

Industrial Process

Investment in new or alternative manufacturing processes with the aim to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

Who Should Particpate?
How Does It Work

How Does It Work?


Carbon offset projects can be funded by purchasing carbon credits.

We manage carbon risk & carbon credit planning on behalf of our clients to offset or neutralize their carbon footprints. By growing carbon offset projects, we mitigate the impact of our clients’ emissions while supporting effective, sustainable innovation.

Carbon offset projects generate carbon credits, each with their own unique number and certificate. A carbon credit is like gift card—each one has a monetary value and can only be redeemed once.

Tropical Leaves

Why Ipsum Carbon Programs?

Make a bigger impact with certified projects.





















We must be able to prove CO2 equivalent reduction has occurred as a result of the project.


We must be able to review validation reports delivered by third-party verifiers.


We must be able to account for every metric

ton of CO2 equivalent captured, destroyed,

or prevented.


Each project must be publicly registered, and carbon offsets must be serialized and retired on a registry.


The project’s reduction of emissions must be dependent on the funding of carbon offsets.


The project’s environmental impact must be durable and lasting.

Carbon Offset Tracking & Verification

Our third-party-verified Projects all meet standards developed and

maintained by the following organizations.

Once you’ve purchased carbon offsets, you’ll be added to public registries maintained by these organizations:

Ipsum Advisors provides both our Project Owner Partners and Offset Purchaser Clients with the proper guidance for project certification and offset offers, as well as ensuring all offsets are certified for carbon offset purchasing.  


Why Ipsum Programs?
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